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2024 Contestant Packet


Miss Island Goddess 2024


Dear Contestant,


Welcome to the application process for the 12th Annual Miss Island Goddess beauty pageant.

Enclosed, you will find the application form, and we kindly request that you review it thoroughly to ensure you provide the necessary information our pageant committee requires.


Alongside the contestant details, we have included the regulations that govern and uphold the integrity of our esteemed pageant. Your cooperation is invaluable, as it eases the workload for our committee and contributes to the overall success of our project.


Please note that the deadline for submitting your application is Friday, March 22nd, 2024. We anticipate a delightful journey with you, your sponsors, and your family, creating memorable experiences and fostering a sense of fun and camaraderie.


Thank you for your participation!



Taffy Johnson

Executive Director



Rules & Regulations

  • To qualify, contestants must be at least 18 years of age or older.
  • A non-refundable entry fee of $200 must accompany the attached Miss Island Goddess application no later than Friday, March 22nd, 2024.
  • Contestants must attend rehearsal the Friday, April 5th, before the pageant from 7:00pm – 11:00pm; time to change if needed and contestants will be updated well before the rehearsal. If you are late, you will automatically be placed at the beginning of the contestant line up. (i.e., contestant #1, #2 based on tardiness of contestant(s).
  • The day of the event, the backstage preparation area will be open to contestants and 2 assistants ONLY per contestant the day of the event. Your assistants will be given backstage passes, and they must be worn at all times.
    *Dancers or human props for talent are not permitted backstage until just prior to talent division and must leave immediately upon full completion of talent display. A five (5) point deduction will be taken for each violation, should more than two (2) people be assisting you at one time.
  • Backstage areas are limited to contestants and assistants only.
  • Contestants are required to be backstage and pageant-ready by 5:00PM on the day of the event. A ten (10) point deduction will be taken from your overall score should you be late.
  • Contestants are responsible for clearing your station prior to leaving the premises. All stage props must be removed from the property after the pageant.
  • Contestants will be judged on a point system totaling 400 points per judge.
    • Contestants will be judged in five (5) categories:
      1. Swim Wear
      2. Talent
      3. National Wear
      4. Evening Wear
      5. Q&A
  • If a tie should occur, the higher talent score will be the winning contestant.
  • Anyone (contestant or dresser and talent participants) caught tampering with other contestant’s property will be automatically disqualified and escorted off premises, contestant and/or their assistants. No monies will be refunded.
  • Anyone (contestant or dresser and talent participants) caught in the act of being intoxicated will be disqualified and removed from the premises immediately. No monies will be refunded.
  • UTOPIA Pageant Director reserves the right to make any decision concerning any matter not covered by these rules and regulations.
  • UTOPIA will not be held responsible for any damage or loss of personal property, nor do we claim any responsibility for any injuries while competing in the pageant. We highly suggest your assistants stay behind to watch your belongings while you are on stage.




I. Island Goddess Wear

The sky is the limit in this category. Here the contestants will be judged on how creative they can be in producing a national costume. Contestants are asked to display an authentic costume that best represents the culture of their country of choice. This look can be representative of the culture, a story, landmark, or anything that is significant to that country. Contestants will be judged on originality, design/attire, fitting, and overall presentation.

*Restrictions: Contestants are asked to be responsible for breakdown and cleanup of your props. No prop or clothing to be left on stage or at auditorium. 

Time limit: 3 minutes max on stage

MusicContestants are to provide their own music. A copy must be submitted A WEEK PRIOR TO THE EVENT on Friday March 29th, 2024.



II. Swim Wear

Envision yourself living in paradise enjoying a life of tropical splash, sea breezing, and white sandy beaches. What would you wear on your dream fantasy Island? This will be your concept for creativity and fashion. Choice of color(s) is open. Contestants will be judged on modeling ability/stage presence, personality, poise & posture, and overall presentation.

*Restrictions: Must be swim wear (2 piece or full). Absolutely no sarongs. No pasties, no lingerie. Swim wear and not a costume. Props are acceptable but not required.

Time limit: 2 minutes max on stage.

Music: provided by pageant team.



III. Talent

Any type of Talent presentation is acceptable except those that may cause injury to the audience. Absolutely no fire, excessive water or glitter/confetti, live animals may be used. Full-body nudity is prohibited but pasties and thongs are acceptable. This will be your only chance to showcase that spirit to WOW the audience, so give it all you got!

Contestants will be judged on choreography, entertainment value, attire, and overall presentation.

*Restrictions: Contestants are asked to be responsible for breakdown and cleanup. No prop or clothing to be left on stage after the talent display is complete. Back-up dancers are permitted backstage no earlier than fifteen (15) minutes prior to performance. Dancers MUST immediately exit backstage upon completion of talent display. No free glitter, no smoke or fog, no open flame of any kind.

Time limit: 5 minutes max on stage.

Music: Contestants are to provide their own music. A copy must be submitted the WEEK PRIOR TO THE EVENT on Friday March 29th, 2024.


IV. Evening Wear        

Showcasing contestants in their interpretation of elegance, grace & glamour. Contestants will be judged on poise & posture/stage presence, glamour & grooming, attire, and overall presentation.

*Restrictions: No piece of clothing is to be left on stage. You may have an escort but must exit stage after.

Time limit: 3 min max on stage.

Music: Contestants are to provide their own music. A copy must be submitted A WEEK PRIOR TO THE EVENT on Friday March 29th, 2024.


V. Q&A

Contestants will have the opportunity to eloquently express their views on issues pertinent to the 2SLGBTQIA+ and indigenous communities. The focus is on insight, empathy, and a thoughtful representation of the concerns faced by these communities.

*Preparation: Contestants may be provided with questions in advance or receive impromptu questions on the day of the event. Regardless, all questions will focus on addressing relevant issues affecting the 2SLGBTQI+ and indigenous communities.


Prize Package

  • Miss Island Goddess 2024
    • $5,000 with official Crown & Sash – will receive $4,000 after crowning and $1,000 upon step-down at the following Miss Island Goddess Pageant (if all duties have been met or approved by the committee and Pageant Director).​ 
  • 1st runner-up
    • $2,000 plus plaque/bouquet
  • 2nd runner-up
    • $1,000 plus plaque/bouquet


Trophies will also be provided to the winner of the following individual category:

  • Best Swim Wear
  • Best Talent
  • Best National Wear
  • Best Evening Wear
  • Q&A
  • With additional trophies to be awarded to the winner of Miss Photogenic and Peopleʻs Choice Award




If crowned Miss Island Goddess, there are certain duties and expectations that are required to fulfill your reign. Your $5,000 earnings as Miss Island Goddess depends on your accomplishments.

  • UTOPIA reigning Miss Island Goddess will receive a portion of the cash award night of the prize giving event following their crowning and the balance at step down. You will receive $4,000 the night of the prize giving, post-pageant and $1000 upon step-down (if all duties have been met or approved by the committee)​
  • UTOPIA reigning Miss Island Goddess is responsible for crown and sash. Please keep it neat and clean. If lost, stolen, or broken while in your possession, you are responsible for replacement.
  • UTOPIA reigning Miss Island Goddess may be asked to participate in Pride Parade(s); and may be asked to attend various UTOPIA functions and events throughout their reigning year (optional).
  • UTOPIA reigning Miss Island Goddess agrees to complete 40 hours of community service and organize one fundraiser donated towards Miss Island Goddess 2024.
  • UTOPIA reigning Miss Island Goddess will help with fundraising for the following year’s Miss Island Goddess pageant.
  • UTOPIA reigning Miss Isand Goddess will actively recruit a minimum of 5 contestant for the upcoming pageant.
  • UTOPIA reigning Miss Island Goddess, with support from UTOPIA Washington, agrees to complete monthly promotions of their title via their social media and/or UTOPIA Washington social media. The reigning Miss Island Goddess also agrees to post and/or cross post content that may include, but is not limited to, upcoming pageant promotion, social media content (photos and reels), interviews and speaking opportunities during UTOPIA Washington events.
  • As Miss Island Goddess, you are expected to uphold yourself with the highest degree of dignity, respect, and promote yourself, your title, the community, and UTOPIA Washington positively.

I, _______________________________ (applicant name) wish to compete in the Miss Island Goddess pageant and therefore agree to the following:

To the best of my knowledge, I have provided accurate information on the application form. I understand the Rules and Regulations as stated on this application form and agree to abide by them.

I understand my acceptance as a contestant is solely at the discretion of UTOPIA Washington and its members.

I understand that the application/membership fee due with this application is non-refundable.

I agree that the results will be final and cannot be used for litigation purposes.

I agree to release my photo and moving pictures rights to UTOPIA Washington. I also understand that this release is available to anyone who would like to use photos that contain images of me. I agree to make no legal or financial claims for such usage.

I also agree to release UTOPIA Washington and its associated entities in this production of liability for any stolen properties, or injury that I may incur.


(Make contestant registration fee check payable to “UTOPIA Washington”)

Return Application and $200 Registration Fee no later than Friday March 22nd, 2024, to:


UTOPIA Washington

841 Central Ave N, Ste C-106

Kent WA 98032

missislandgodess@utopiawa.org | www.utopiawa.org